Mental and Emotional Health
Issues, resources and information relating to mental and emotional health and the pituitary.

Mental, Emotional, and Relationship Health. Results of Pituitary World News Survey 2017
From Linda M. Rio and Jorge D. Faccinetti – In December 2016 into early January 2017 Pituitary World News asked viewers to respond to a simple online survey. We have done this in the past

You are not the only one rowing the canoe up the river.
From Jorge D Faccinetti, cofounder – Our recent One-Question survey on emotional and mental health got quite a bit of attention. Thank you to the many PWN readers who wrote and shared very personal, often

Ho Ho Help…It’s the Holidays
and I’ve Got a Tumor! From Linda M. Rio, MA, MFT – What do you suppose the Hallmark Channel version would be with this title? Probably not filled with pretty snowy scenes and smiley faces.

Your emotional health and pituitary disease: A one-question survey
From J D Faccinetti, cofounder – Sharing experiences can provide tremendous support to others dealing with similar issues. The simple fact of knowing you are not alone is very helpful and reassuring. Every so often

From Dr. Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D. – 10 Reasons to Keep Trudging Onward
From Dr. Barton Goldsmith PH.D. – Staying on course can be a challenge when life throws a sucker punch at you. Here are some tools to help you get to where you want to go

Pituitary disorders: the mental and emotional connection
How is it that something like a tumor on a critical little gland can interact with areas of the brain that are involved in mood regulation and would affect a person’s behavior and overall mental

Learning to Live Life After the Tumor
Linda can be reached at www.lindamrio.com Linda’s book “The Hormone Factor in Mental Health” is available through Amazon.com and other major booksellers. Click here for a direct link to the book page on Amazon . From PWN

The Family System and Chronic/Severe Illness
From Linda M. Rio, MA, Marriage & Family Therapist Have you ever had a paper cut on your finger? Isn’t it amazing just how such a small thing can seem to affect you so very much?

When the Medical and Mental Health Worlds Collide
From Linda M. Rio, MA Marriage and Family Therapist “How could a doctor treat an acromegalic when the doctor could not even pronounce the word?” This is from a patient who very unfortunately has experienced

Pituitary Disorders and Mental Health: Is There a Connection?
From Linda M. Rio, MA, Marriage & Family Therapist, author and Pituitary World News contributor – I received an email recently from a woman in another country who expressed a lot of frustration with her current endocrinologist

The Real Life of a Pituitary Patient
From Linda M. Rio, MA, Marriage & Family Therapist – A young woman called me last year to make an appointment. She told me she had recently had endoscopic neurosurgery for craniopharyngioma. She was suffering

I Have a Tumor…So Now What? The Mental and Emotional Side of Pituitary Disorders
An article from Marriage and Family Therapist, Mental Health expert and author Linda M. Rio, MA, LMFT – As a mental health clinician my job is to listen to the sometimes intense and very personal emotions