Anyone can get acromegaly: awareness is key

Here’s how you can get involved:

Awareness is important because it is through awareness that we can influence change. Awareness can have a critical impact on the amount of time it takes to diagnose the disease. Sadly, there is a general lack of awareness about the condition in the general public, and most critically, with key frontline healthcare professional groups. The key benefit is that early diagnosis results in fewer related conditions like heart, joint, and bone disease, to name a few.

To be aware of something is to have knowledge or perception of a situation or fact. To raise public awareness of the issue is to increase consciousness and recognition, and to make sure people are concerned about and have a well-informed interest in this disease and its effects.


… so awareness at PWN is job one! And these are five simple things you can do to help increase awareness

1. Tell someone about Acromegaly (including your Congressperson and State Representatives). Write your story and your journey with the disease. Share it with anyone who wants to learn. Send it to us, and we’ll help you share it. Tell your friends to get involved.

2. Distribute brochures and info sheets. Download this guide (Increasing the Reach). Here you’ll find the key influencer groups that can make a difference. You’ll also find downloadable brochures in this section with highly informational podcast series on acromegaly and related issues. Or, drop us a line and we’ll guide you to some of the best sources of information available.

3. Create your own influencer group and ask them to get involved! Connect them with PWN and we’ll tell them how to participate in other important initiatives.

4. Tell people to go to the PWN website and listen to podcasts and read the articles to learn. Tap into social networks and the internet. Share the material and podcasts available in the PWN and other websites with your network.

5. If you have the condition join a support group. Here’s one of the best: Acromegaly Community. They also have one for family and friends. There are others around the world. If you’re in another country look at the work WAPO is doing. Here’s the leading group in Canada. Get in touch and we’ll help you find a support group in your country.  Here are some more resources.

Over the last two years, we have spoken often about awareness and its importance to our effort. But awareness alone is not enough. It must be accompanied by action. Stay tuned to PWN for more ways to help.

We encourage you to share your news with us. We are happy to help you raise awareness and action.

© 2017 – 2024, Pituitary World News. All rights reserved.

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