From Jorge D Faccinetti – co-founder – A few weeks ago we wrote a blub on science, pseudoscience and misinformation featuring an article published in the June 10th online edition of the New Yorker entitled “The Mistrust of Science, By Atul Gawande”. In this article Dr. Gawande, a surgeon and public-health researcher, argues:
“The mistake, then, is to believe that the educational credentials you get today give you any special authority on truth. What you have gained is far more important: an understanding of what real truth-seeking looks like. It is the effort not of a single person but of a group of people—the bigger the better—pursuing ideas with curiosity, inquisitiveness, openness, and discipline. As scientists, in other words.”
As usual, the article received great reactions from our readers, all of them thoughtful and insightful. You can read some of them on our Facebook page.
This next article “Closed Minded Science – What it is and Why it really, REALLY sucks” by our friend and contributor Naomi Cook, originally published on her blog, “Nurse Naomi” provides a very interesting perspective and a uniquely personal opinion on Science. Naomi’s post expands on this discussion and provides a particular point of view from her personal and professional experiences.
Here’s an excerpt from Naomi’s article:
“When I say I studied Philosophy as an undergrad people think I spent all day eating toast, sitting around contemplating the meaning of life. I admit, I did do that a bit, but I knew deep down that all this thinking would help me kick ass at some point in my life. To be fair, it helps me kick ass in pretty much all mundane arguments with my husband, just ask him. There’s nothing like putting words into quantifiers – quantificational logic, that is, – to help you pull apart everything anyone else says. But back to the point: The educational blend of Philosopher and Nurse has helped me kick ass in getting treatment for Hana over the past year. The Nurse in me understands the medical implications and terminology as I scour the research and the Philosopher in me keeps asking, relentlessly: Why…Why Not? Why…Why friggin Not? And: What If..?
Read the entire Nurse Naomi article here and join the discussion.
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Excellent, as usual. Congrats.
I echo Naomi’s experiences and applaud her for being bold enough to state a sad perspective on how things are far too often done in today’s “healing” arts world. I openly (now) admit to once being one of the closed-minded skeptics and now try to keep as open a mind as possible.