Questions about access to therapies, financial assistance?

If you are currently taking, or are about to start taking Lanreotide (Somatuline Depot) injections, this website from Ipsen offers a wealth of information about patient access to therapies.  IPSEN CARES serves as a central point of contact where patients, caregivers, doctor’s offices, and specialty pharmacies can connect with Nurse Home Healthcare services and get access to medications and services.  Click here for the program brochure

Learn how to navigate the insurance coverage process to determine out-of-pocket costs for treatment.

Help with copay assistance for eligible* patients

Provide information on Nurse Home Health Administration and Injection Training for select medications.

Provide free medication to eligible* patients through the Patient Assistance Program (PAP)

Help minimize delays or interruptions to treatment

Coordinate medication deliveries through specialty pharmacies.

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