Read this series of articles on subjects of interest to pituitary patients, their families and physicians including the patient’s perspective on diagnosis, rheumatic and bone disorders, undetected pituitary tumors, and mild traumatic brain injuries and pituitary hormone deficiencies.
Diagnosis and management of acromegaly; the patient’s perspective: This study focuses on early diagnosis of acromegaly as the key success factor in the prevention of related diseases and premature death. In concert with the stated mission of Pituitary World News, the findings confirm “the urgent need to increase awareness of the clinical manifestation of acromegaly to facilitate an earlier diagnosis of the disease and to provide diagnostic equality across the sexes” Read more here.
Rheumatic and bone disorders associated with acromegaly: From Up To Date, an article by Lesley D. Hordon, MD discussing frequent bone problems seen in acromegaly including arthropathy, carpal tunnel, and peripheral neuropathy. These conditions can, in many cases, be an important sign of the presence of acromegaly. Dr. Hordon stresses the importance of remembering that acromegaly can be a rare but important cause of osteoarthritis. Read the abstract. To learn more about acromegaly and bone disease, read this PWN article
Undetected Pituitary Tumors Cause Debilitating Disease: Even though this article was written in 2008, it is still very current. Dr. Lewis Blevins writes about the challenges facing primary care physicians detecting these tumors that present in very non-specific ways and result in patients spending years misdiagnosed. Read more here.
Pituitary hormone deficiencies found in veterans with mild traumatic brain injury: This is an interesting article published in discussing the prevalence of hormone deficiencies in veterans with mild traumatic brain injuries. According to the article, the authors argue that it might be possible to successfully treat these deficiencies with hormone replacement therapies if correctly diagnosed.
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