From the desk of Lewis S Blevins Jr. M.D. cofounder – Telemedicine is an emerging concept that provides unique opportunities in patient care and at the same time challenges the established framework and structure of the dynamic doctor-patient relationship. Some localities have adopted telemedicine, albeit with strict regulations regarding its conductance and reimbursement, while others have not even considered this scenario as a valid platform on which to provide patient care. Pituitary World News has developed a series of surveys aimed at gaining information from physicians and patients alike to further understand current attitudes and approaches and future possibilities of telemedicine. We would be grateful for your participation. Please take a few minutes to complete as many of the survey items below as is possible.
It will take approximately five minutes to complete the questionnaire.
Please note: We do not ask for contact information, but you have the option to provide your name and email if you wish to communicate with us. Your survey responses will be strictly confidential and data from this research will remain confidential. If you have questions at any time about the survey or the procedures, you may send us an email at, subject line: Survey
Thank you very much for your time and support. Please click on “Start the Survey” below