A Cushing’s tale: Two images. Eight months. Same person.

To launch the eighth season of the Pituitary World News podcast, we welcome to our microphones, Brandy. Brandy has quite a story to tell us about her battle with Cushing’s disease. Brandy is an American Sign Language (ASL) professional interpreter and an accomplished artist, blogger, and musician. If you want to read more about Brandy and her work, check out her blog and this video on her YouTube channel. We caught up with Brandy a few days before the Holidays to talk about her experiences in what proved to be a fascinating chat. 


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2 thoughts on “A Cushing’s tale: Two images. Eight months. Same person.

  1. As you mentioned it usually takes many years and many doctors before a diagnosis of Cushings. I knew something was wrong and was sure it was a tumor. I researched and read everything I could. After over 25years and some very degrading treatment I have now had 3 pituitary resections. I still struggle with complications of having had Cushings and I will never forget the experience. I believe that some people like myself lucky enough to have decent insurance move on to a different doctor(s) for years in an effort to find a doctor who will not only listen but believe them. Very happy to hear that you will use your platform to advocate for those still struggling to find help.

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