From the desk of J D Faccinetti Chairman, CEO and chief editor Pituitary World News. We recently published two COVID-19 related articles that focused on subjects that are very much in everyone’s mind. One was an excellent discussion about the use of reliable statistics to make long term decisions; the other, on our Facebook feed, was a discussion of the potential gut-wrenching decisions that doctors could be forced to make regarding the use of ventilators.
While controversial, both authors offered a balanced view with differing points of view of the issues, and neither article presented or recommended a course of action. To this editor, they offered our readers information and a compelling picture from highly qualified informed sources that wrote about the severe issues we are facing. We did not editorialize nor provided any support either way to any of the author’s points of view. We just presented a summary of the key issues discussed.
As usual, we received many comments from readers with varying degrees of approval and disapproval of the article’s assertions, and many “thank you” for sharing this information, which we appreciate. The discussions and debates this type of content generate are precisely the reason we published them in the first place.
However, there were two or three comments that came to my attention because they angrily questioned our decision even to publish them and made disparaging remarks about our editorial policy. “I can’t believe PWN would publish something like this,” I am paraphrasing one of the observations. The comments incorrectly assumed we were taking sides and agreeing or disagreeing with the dilemmas presented in the articles and the decisions that are being made by our healthcare and political leaders to combat this crisis.
We created Pituitary World News not only to inform and educate on pituitary disease but also to be a welcoming forum for ideas and discussion. This publication serves as a platform where thought leaders and patients, and anyone interested can connect in a positive, creative, and innovative environment for the benefits of every single person in the world touched by pituitary disease.
We ask you and encourage you to participate and get involved, and when you do, we ask you to do so in a friendly, civilized way where others will be encouraged to share their views and opinions so we may all learn. Rest assured that when we have a point of view or a recommendation, the message will be loud and clear. There will be no doubt in anyone mind what our recommendations and points of view are. Please do not assign meaning where there is none.
Image by Harisankar Sahoo from Pixabay
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