Reporting from the 2016 UCSF Conference on Pituitary Disease: Advances in Diagnosis and Management

From Jorge D Faccinetti – cofounder – Once again this past weekend I had the privilege of presenting the patient perspective and experiences to a group of physicians including endocrinologists, primary care docs, and other scientists at the USCF conference on Pituitary Disease.  This yearly conference is designed as a continuing education course not only for physicians but also for nurses, physician assistants, and pharmacists.

From my humble perspective, this conference and others like it, do a world of good and are of inmense benefit to the effort to increase awareness, and communicate the latest state-of-the-art information in the diagnosis and management of pituitary disease.

The curriculum covered the latest knowledge in pituitary surgery, complex issues relating to the management of patients with acromegaly, the pathology of pituitary adenomas, radiographic interpretation of subtle clues in diagnosing of pituitary disorders and most interestingly, the role of genetics in acromegaly and the implications on the role of medical therapy.  We will have a follow-up article on the subject of genetics soon.

Of particular note was a presentation by Manish Aghi, MD. PhD. Professor of Neurological Surgery and Director, Center for Minimally-Invasive Skull Based Surgery at UCSF on the visual, endocrine and headache outcomes after pituitary tumor surgery.  Dr. Aghi’s UCSF neurological research team focused on the evaluation of post pituitary surgery outcomes    after completion of 1015 transsphenoidal surgeries covering a five-year span.  You may want to review this video in which and Drs Aghi and Blevins discuss headaches in pituitary patients

Dr. Blevins presented a fascinating review of Hyponatremia in Pituitary disorders which he has covered in previous articles and podcast on our site.

Because this information was presented in highly technical terms, my interpretations of the data presented would not do it justice. Accordingly, Dr. Blevins will do a series of articles and commentary on selected subjects from the conference.  Please stay tuned to our website, facebook and tweet feeds for information on follow-up articles.



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