What’s going on in a doctors life.

From Lewis S. Blevins Jr. MD  –  Let me tell you about my day. I hear about yours. In fact, on most Tuesdays, I see 20 patients. So, I hear about a lot of things. I’ll listen. I interpret results. Read MRI studies. I work with patients to make decisions that pertain to their health. I try to make every patient feel special and as if they are the most important person of the day. However, on occasion, we get very busy and feel like we are “on the run.” You may notice that, too, in me, and in your physicians. Unfortunately, this is a product of modern-day medicine and approach to medical care that is, largely, a result of federal local and state oversight, insurance oversight and restrictions on care, contractual arrangements that pharmaceutical companies have with insurance companies, etc. These things can be rather cumbersome and are worth additional discussion. It can be really tough to be a physician in this environment.

I play the Irish pipes. I once read some quote about the fact that playing them was fairly much like riding a unicycle backwards while chewing gum and clapping your hands and trying to talk. Medicine has become as difficult. I think that technology has changed the face of medicine for the better but it has also had an impact on the doctor – patient relationship. (No, I don’t put doctors first. That’s the convention as it has been written about for decades.)


I awoke at 6:20 AM. Showered. Got dressed. Drove to work. I had a hot chocolate and a brownie for breakfast (we don’t always practice what we preach).

Upon arrival at the office, I started reviewing charts, sent about 10 letters to patients regarding test results, ordered seven MRI studies, answered five inquiries from patients who had written thru their charts, and reviewed four MRIs.

Next, I perused about 30 emails. I deleted those that were irrelevant and attended to those that needed attention. I discussed matters that needed to be discussed with my administrative assistant. I learned that my physicians assistant would not be in today. That meant I would be doing double duty so I took care of some of her workload. Communicated with a resident about a manuscript.

Sounds like a full day of work! I haven’t even gotten started. The first patient hadn’t even arrived.

I saw patients throughout the rest of the morning. Five in all. Reviewed five MRI studies. Reviewed additional laboratory results that came in. Went through another 15 or so emails. Discussed patients who require surgery with one of my colleagues. Reviewed three MRIs with one of my pituitary surgeons.

Finally, it’s lunch! Salad and apple juice. Exciting thing that happened during lunch is that I ran into one of our Spanish-language interpreters in the cafeteria. We started a conversation and I learned he is a poet and just published a book. So, I insisted on buying one that he was offering as a gift. It seems to be a pretty awesome book of poetry!

Texted with a few friends to keep in touch. Had a meeting about administrative matters.

Eight patients this afternoon. About half of them had MRI studies that needed to be reviewed. Additional laboratory results to review. Four more letters to patients. Prescriptions to write. Another 15 emails!

Academic paperwork. Return calls.

At’s 6:00 PM. Time to go home. I decided to leave the car at work.

Took the train most of the way home. Crowded. Far too many people. Some of them smelly. Took some time to walk on both ends of the travel so that I could get some exercise. And fresh air. Stopped for a burger on the way. There goes the benefit of the exercise!

Talked with my mother who turned 74 years of age today.

Talked with my daughter about her college experiences and other matters.

Took some time to allow myself to be a little grumpy over an issue related to my sister. It’s natural! I’m her big brother.

Communicated with my brother who is next in line for a liver transplant. Seriously. He will probably be transplanted within the week. That’s pretty stressful.

Talked with one of my very best friends for about 10 minutes.

Reviewed our latest podcast on hyponatremia.

Discussed pituitary world news with my partner, JD Faccinetti.

Had a nice phone call with a lady friend.

Answered a few inquiries on pituitary world news. Responded to a few Facebook posts about pituitary disease.

I love this stuff!

I hope this is been an interesting snapshot as to how a physician works through his day. Much of what we do is behind the scenes. Much of the care we deliver is not reimbursed. But we do so because we care. Most of us do, anyways. We also have lives outside of Medicine and have to fit those in edgewise, finding the proper balance, and, while supporting other people, receiving support when we need it, too.

It’s now after midnight. I’m going to post this and get to sleep. Good night moon. Good night Jupiter. Good night Saturn. Good night all.

© 2016 – 2024, Pituitary World News. All rights reserved.

2 thoughts on “What’s going on in a doctors life.

  1. Doc, As I stated to you in my letter of 2/22/16 “You are amazingly gifted”!!! As I read this, while trying to prepare for my next meeting with you and my 2500 mile flight on Monday to come see you, I cried. Not for me, but for you, and for all of us. We have evolved in so many ways as humans, but our medical system is so badly broken and it prevents so much progress in the world. I hope in future lives I have the abilities to help fix it. I hope in this one I can do more.
    I hope your brother is transplanted quickly and successfully, and that he has many great years ahead of him. I have two experiences with my daughters’ liver and lung transplants to be able to understand through.
    Thank you for everything you do!!!

  2. I hung on every word of this post. As someone with LCH and DI who lives in Canada, I can not tell you how much I value the online presence of Dr. Blevins. From what I’ve seen to date he is (you are) the only approachable professional who understands and takes a serious interest in the symptoms, treatment, and lifestyle issues of patients with DI. As DI patients who deal mostly with unknowing medical professionals it is extremely refreshing and hopeful to find someone who actually “gets it” — even if they live thousands of miles away. So, do we care about YOUR day? You bet we do! Most of all I want to know that you are not too overwhelmed, that you won’t quit on us, that you won’t short-change those patients who have the benefit of being geographically close enough to be treated by you in person. It gives me enormous hope and faith in the future of DI sufferers to have read this account, and to know that there is one doctor Blevins on the planet. I just wish there were more… Thanks again for all you do, and for all you share.

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