From J D Faccinetti, cofounder – Now that the Holidays are over is always advisable to regroup and take notice of all that advice we tend to get during the Holidays. Some good, some not so good, some of it certainly entertaining, and a lot of it not very helpful at all. You know all those top ten lists. Will they ever end? To counter some of that chatter we thought we’d tap our friends at Berkeley Wellness for some excellent science-based advice that can actually be helpful.
This article is about Resolutions You Can Do in 10 Minutes or Less. These are things you can actually do because they focus on small changes that can yield big health dividends, unlike some of the bigger more difficult ones: lose weight, exercise more, quit smoking, etc.
Many of us are working on our weight and – dare I say – diet. So, like I’m sure many of you, I have been delving into the world of Smoothies. Let me tell you, there is a lot out there and, not surprisingly, really bad advice about what to put in your smoothies. As the article points out “They often come with promises of increased energy, a healthier heart, better mood, sharpened memory, stress relief, weight control, super immunity, detoxification, and other far-reaching health claims” This article “Smoothie Smarts: Get This, Skip That” debunks some of these “smoothie promises” and offers some very helpful, simple advice.
And just in case you want to try a good smoothie, here’s a great recipe source for Sweet and Savory Smoothies.
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