Podcast – In this informational podcast, Dr. Lewis Blevins describes the findings of a meta-analysis from observational studies done in the UK. Patients with hypopituitarism have an increased mortality rate mostly related to cardiovascular disorders. These studies also show that women have a higher mortality rate than men. Dr. Blevins talks about the details of the analysis and the importance of Growth Hormone replacement therapies in adults with hypopituitarism. You can read the abstract here.
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Dr. Blevins,
After hearing a lecture, that was posted on PNA, (Dr. (?) Cohen), said that GH patients life expectancy is 65-72 years, I’m feeling very frightened. I’m 71 years old. If this is reality I must prepare my husband and children.
I’m praying that I’m misunderstanding the situation.
I can’t stop the tears…..
My parents lived into their 90’s and I was hoping to do the same.
Sharon Stehr
Dr Blevins
I’m 57 years old male in Sydney, Australia, & have pan hypopituitarism from an acquired brain injury in 2006. Currently prescribed Reandron 4000 every 73 days; 840mg of thyroxine over the course of a week; 2.5mg or 5mg of prednisalone a day plus DVAP for intimittent insipidis. Also I was prescribed a 1/4 of 20mg tertroxine daily in the past too. On Metformin 1000mg
I have done the Insuline IV test for IGF1 response & passed or should I say failed that. However I’m having problems finding an endocrinologist willing to treat my HGH deficiency, even though it’s now recently been put on the PBS list so it only now cost $6 rather than a fortune. I have developed truncal obesity even though my limbs look like they belong to a professional cyclist. Have also developed borderline hypertension & borderline type 2 mellitus. Hence the reason I’m taking minimal prednisalone to keep weight down AMAP. All I get from endocrinologists here is mumblings about GH supplementation not being the usual treatment or that it’s not on the PBS for hypopituitarism when I was told previously it now is (when in hospital last year with pneumonia from Strep Milleri) or obsessions about diabetes & taking metformin, which literally gives me the shits. It’s because of the hypertension I’ve stopped taking the 5mg of tertroxin a day, even though I now fill real cold in the mornings & thus I hate mornings even more than before. Although I admit it’s winter now & live in a typical Australian house that’s uninsulated.
Can you recommend a endocrinologist in Sydney, Australia who has a private practice or works out of a outpatients clinic at a public hospital that doesn’t have a bias against HGH supplementation for pan hypopituitarism?
Thank you very much