Minimally Invasive Skull Base Surgery: UCSF Case Studies

From Dr. Ezequiel (Eze) Goldschmidt and UCSF Health Medconnection a collection of minimally invasive skull base surgery cases. UCSF’s Ezequiel (Eze) Goldschmidt, MD, PhD, is a neurosurgeon specializing in minimally invasive techniques, including the endoscopic endonasal approach (EEA), to remove skull base and pituitary tumors.

“The endoscope provides a beautiful perspective of the surgical field and allows us to see, in detailed magnification, every aspect of the operation,” Goldschmidt said. “We can operate on most of the ventral skull base through an endonasal approach.”

The following case studies describe how Goldschmidt and the UCSF Brain Tumor Center team used the EEA to successfully remove different types of tumors, including a pituitary adenoma, a craniopharyngioma, an epidermoid cyst, and a chondrosarcoma.

Read the article here (warning: graphic video of actual surgery)

If you’d like to see more videos demonstrating minimally invasive skull base surgical procedures performed at the University of California, San Francisco please click here.  Again please note these are videos of actual surgery.


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