The challenge of early diagnosis in acromegaly. We can do this!

Podcast and Survey: Clinical features of acromegaly. In this podcast, Dr.  Blevins dives into those clinical features of Acromegaly with a fascinating discussion about symptoms and signs and gives us an unfettered glimpse into the complexities that invariably lead to delays in diagnosis.  Please listen to the podcast at the end of which there is a brief survey.


Click here to start the survey

A note from J D Faccinetti, PWN co-founder and a person with Acromegaly:  When people affected by Acromegaly talk about their experiences with the disease it usually meanders to what some people call “the diagnosis journey”.  It goes something like this: “boy, it took forever for someone to figure it out”; “I kept bouncing between doctors”; “they told me to stop eating, exercise more”; “my primary care doc never put it together”, “I was so exhausted”, you get the jest.  The conversation inevitably moves to the symptoms and signs that brought you in to see the doctor in the first place.  Yes, those same symptoms and signs that eventually lead to a proper diagnosis.

This very short survey is designed to learn more about the symptoms and signs that brought you to the doctor in the first place and eventually lead to a diagnosis. Pituitary World News’ main reason for existence – and everything we do –  is to help reduce the time it takes to diagnose pituitary disease.  You can provide critical insight that will help us do just that!

Thank you!


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