From J D Faccinetti and Lewis S Blevins, M.D. cofounders – Our focus today is on the effects of COVID-19 on pituitary patients’ access to, and utilization of healthcare as the pandemic continues to affect a growing number of people worldwide. We noticed a remarkable increase in virtual doctor (telemedicine) visits, and we are curious to learn how people feel about these virtual visits, their opinions, and experiences. Currently, specialized publications and blogs are talking about virtual visits, but we wanted to know your thoughts and your personal experiences on the subject. To that end, we have assembled a brief survey, which will take less than two minutes to complete. Promise!
We intend to publish this information in a podcast and utilize the results to help shape thinking that includes the patient’s input on the usage and access to pituitary care. We encourage you to complete this short survey and use this opportunity to give us your thoughts. We have provided a section for additional comments. Your opinions and insights are critical for this initiative. We hope you participate and take advantage of the opportunity to help. Thank you.
Please click here to start the survey
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