Adenomas or PitNETs: A Pituitary World News opinion editorial

From the desk of Pituitary World News co-founder J D Faccinetti –  In November 2019, we wrote an opinion piece on the current discussion about reclassifying and renaming pituitary adenomas to Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumors or PitNETs. Well, the rumblings about this change and the arguments from the proponents and opponents to the reclassification are continuing. Read more and vote!

Diabetes Insipidus: a common condition for Histiocytosis and Pituitary conditions

Today’s podcast focuses on an opportunity to learn about a group of rare diseases that share a common condition with pituitary disease. Histiocytosis or histiocytic disorders are a group of rare diseases that occur when there is an overproduction of white blood cells known as histiocytes that can lead to organ damage and tumor formation. DI impacts almost 50% of Histiocytosis patients and 35% of pituitary patients.

Live talk, session 12 – August 4, 2022: Residual and recurring Cushing’s

It’s always fascinating to listen to two of the recognized experts and leading clinicians in Cushing’s disease discuss their experiences with the disease and patients.  In this Live Talk session, Pituitary World New’s innovative program for education and awareness, Dr. Kevin Yuen and Dr. Lewis Blevins bring an intimate, revealing look at their approaches to Cushing’s disease and syndrome.