New name for Diabetes Insipidus (DI)

Well, it looks like Diabetes Insipidus is on the way out, at least from the naming point of view. After the work done in Basel (Universitätsspital Basel), recently published in The Lancet, an international consensus group proposed a name change from Diabetes Insipidus to Arginine Vasopressin Deficiency or AVP-D, or Arginine Vasopressin Resistance or AVP-R, depending on the type.

Live-talk, session 17 – Pituitary surgery: before, during and after

Do you ever wonder what happens in the OR after you are wheeled in? We welcome once again our friend and contributor, Manish Aghi, M.D. Ph.D., Attending Neurosurgeon at the California Center for Pituitary Disorders, Professor of Neurological Surgery, and Principal Investigator at UCSF Brain Tumor Research Center. He spent an amazing hour with Dr. Blevins and me, walking us through his work with patients before surgery, his approaches post-surgery, recovery, potential issues, and the many other phases of pituitary surgery.

Patient and advocacy groups observe pituitary awareness month

From the editors: In what is now a yearly occurrence, pituitary groups and industry from all over the world mark October as pituitary awareness month. “The hope in doing this work is to organize a joint effort to maximize the opportunity to talk with a unified voice and increase awareness of pituitary diseases,” said JD Faccinetti, Chairman and chief editor of Pituitary World News.

Live talk, session 13 – On this live talk session: a path to better systems

On our Live-talk program today, a fascinating, nothing left on the table, discussion about a variety of topics that affect pituitary patients; from access to medication and therapies to problems with social media and misinformation to the complexities of diagnosis and refuting diagnosis to the role of the doctor and the patient to solve many of these challenges.