This fantastic presentation by Dr. John Carmichael, Distinguished Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of Southern California and Co-director of the USC Pituitary Center focuses on the controversies arising from the clinical dilemmas present in treating a complicated condition like acromegaly.
Acromegaly is usually caused by a noncancerous tumor. Middle-aged adults are most commonly affected. Symptoms include enlargement of the face, hands, and feet. Prompt treatment is needed to avoid serious illness. Drugs can reduce the effects of growth hormone. If needed, surgery and radiation may be used to remove tumor cells.
FDA meeting focuses on Acromegaly
We are thrilled to announce that Acromegaly will be the focus of a PFDD (Patient-Focused Drug Development) meeting sponsored by Acromegaly Community Inc., a patient support organization based in the US. The meeting will take
PWN at Spain’s 2019 Endocrinology Society Congress
From the desk of Jorge D Faccinetti, co-founder – The Spanish Society of Endocrinology or SEEN (Sociedad Española de Endocrinologia y Nutricion) had their annual conference – Congreso, in Spanish – this past October in Bilbao,
Risa’s story
From Jorge D Faccinetti, co-founder – Take the bull by the horns. This is an expression that most likely originated in the American West, where it was a common but dangerous practice to wrestle with
A fun way to communicate patient experiences
The perception that scientists and healthcare professionals do not understand what patients go through when dealing with disease, particularly chronic disease, was the focus of a refreshing exercise this past month at Crinetics Pharmaceuticals. To
Patients and Doctors share insights
From the desk of Jorge D Faccinetti, cofounder – One word describes this conference: FUN! The National and International Canadian conference this past September in Toronto, Canada, was not only a good time, but it was
A fascinating chat between a patient and her doctor
Don’t miss today’s podcasts. Sometimes it is through these genuine, unscripted chats that we get insight into what it is like to deal with chronic pituitary disease, in this case, acromegaly. This podcast is no
Pituitary MRI educational series: Double pituitary adenomas in a patient with acromegaly
Developing a new drug for acromegaly
As we reported earlier this year, the acromegaly new drug development world has seen very exciting activity. Several studies are in the pipeline for oral therapies. Today, San Diego California based Crinetics Pharmaceuticals announced a new
Silent Pituitary Adenomas
Our podcast today is on silent pituitary adenomas. This is a fascinating look into these tumors that are thought not to secrete hormones. In the podcast Dr. Blevins discusses the complexities and challenges when dealing
Pegvisomant, glucose metabolism, and acromegaly
In this podcasts, we discuss an important recent meta-analysis study from the University of Rome on the relationship between pegvisomant, a drug used for the treatment of acromegaly, and glucose metabolism. Dr. Blevins also dives into
More info on a current acromegaly drug trial. Learn more here
Antisense drugs are small DNA – or RNA – drugs that are designed to target disease-associated proteins with the objective of slowing or stopping the progression of a disease. Ionis pharmaceuticals, in this new trial, is developing
Can oversharing information be the best medicine?
Jay Libove, a privacy and security expert, and pituitary patient discusses privacy and sharing information on social media In today’s new age of digital medicine and near-universal availability of information, we need to be conscious