From the desk of Jorge D Faccinetti, co-founder: I can’t help but think that raising awareness for acromegaly would be easier with a different name. My branding instincts tell me that this name is doing
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Telemedicine and COVID-19, insights from our survey
Not surprisingly, COVID-19 appears to have significantly impacted pituitary patients’ access to healthcare. Our brief survey elicited information from respondents on their experiences and attitudes towards obtaining healthcare via telemedicine. Dr. Blevins shares the findings
Should we answer surveys, share our experiences, participate in drug trials, engage with others?
Joining a new drug trial, for example, is an action that can benefit many affected with a disease, particularly with a rare disease, where finding enough people for an adequate sample is very challenging.
The critical need for adrenal insufficiency awareness
If you’d like to learn more about Addison’s disease, here’s a perfect opportunity to do so. The Advanced Practice in Endocrinology Nursing is a comprehensive resource on Adrenal Insufficiency and three chapters from the book are
Things to think about: Coming up on Pituitary World News
From J D Faccinetti – co-founder – One of the unforeseen consequences of this crisis is how it has affected our editorial decisions, that is, deciding what to write and when to publish. The media
A word about comments
From the desk of J D Faccinetti Chairman, CEO and chief editor Pituitary World News. We recently published two COVID-19 related articles that focused on subjects that are very much in everyone’s mind. One was
Opinion: The Pandemic of Poor Communications
At the risk of adding to the Coronavirus news frenzy we’re experiencing, I thought this piece from Gil Bashe, a health communication writer, deserved to be noted. His article points to the substandard job the health
Will we ever be able to use stem cells to regenerate the pituitary gland?
A commentary from Dr. Lewis S Blevins Jr. co-founder – I was recently asked if I felt that we would ever be able to use stem cells to regenerate the pituitary gland. Frankly, the answer is
Why do adenomas recur?
Review and comments on two recent papers on Cushing’s disease
From Lewis S. Blevins Jr. M.D. – This interesting manuscript – BIOCHEMICAL CONTROL DURING LONG-TERM FOLLOW-UP OF 230 ADULT PATIENTS WITH CUSHING DISEASE: A MULTICENTER RETROSPECTIVE STUDY – reports the outcomes data of management of
Update! New videos in our series on pituitary radiology
We continue to periodically publish videos of pituitary MRI’s with discussions on the images in an effort to make people more familiar with these studies, help in the understanding of these images, what you see, and
Telemedicine: Opinions, issues, and the future
From the desk of Lewis S Blevins Jr M.D. co-founder – As telemedicine expands, more and more health centers are providing this service to patients. In fact, during the week that we recorded this podcast,
Exciting news in the world of Acromegaly new drug development
Recently we told you about Chiasma’s latest news in both Phase 3 clinical trials of oral octreotide capsules product candidates, which are well on the way. You can read more about the company and the