Live healthy

From J D Faccinetti Pituitary World News co-founder –  As diggers of relevant information, we try to provide useful nuggets of knowledge that can make a difference to the health of the pituitary community, both to professionals and patients alike. Like most news organizations, to accomplish this task we rely on our partners and contributors, but we also comb news sources, scientific and medical sites, and scholarly articles. We try very hard to make sense of all the information out there, and serve it up in a way that is useful to our readers. One of our interests is in metabolism and the related issues we, as pituitary patients, deal with on a daily basis to try to stay in shape with healthy living strategies and nutrition. One of our favorite sources for this type of information is the Berkeley Wellness Letter. Here are a few select articles that we hope you’ll find helpful.


In this interesting article “The Surprising Benefits of Stress”,   Peter Jaret discusses the work of Daniela Kaufer, PhD, an associate professor at UC Berkeley who studies the biology of stress. Dr. Kaufer explains the difference between good stress and bad stress, and gives pointers for how to respond to stressful events in a healthy way.  Read more here


This next article by the editors of Berkeley Wellness talks about stopping diabetes before it starts. Lifestyle changes can have a major impact in halting and delaying the progression to diabetes. The article does a nice job of discussing how we can take action and make a difference. Worth a read!  Click here for the article


The next one is on The Truth About Homeopathy. This is also an excellent discussion on this form of medicine. We already published our opinion in our article “Be wary of lofty claims that sound too good to be true” by Dr. Lewis Blevins, but we encourage you to read the Berkeley Wellness article.  Read the complete article.


That’s it for now. Don’t forget to send us your thoughts and comments either through our Facebook feed or through a direct message on this website.  More on these subjects and podcasts coming soon.

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