Knowledge and information are critical tools to affect early diagnosis in pituitary disease. Join Dr. Lewis Blevins and Jorge D Faccinetti cofounders, as they navigate the wonders and complexities of pituitary conditions.

Endocrine nursing: a panel discussion
Today, I am particularly thrilled about this podcast with a group of leading professional nurses who are educators, scientists, researchers, nurse practitioners, and graduate students.

Pituitary Grand Rounds: listen to the podcast and learn more
Listen to this podcast and learn more about this new groundbreaking educational program exclusively produced by Pituitary World News.

A growing challenge: noncompliance with follow-ups and prescriptions
Noncompliance with required follow-up visits and properly taking medications is a serious issue. Dr. Blevins tackles this problem with real clinical examples in this brief podcast.

A review of our “Musings” podcast series
From the PWN library, we highlight our engaging podcast series “Musings,” covering various exciting subjects directly from Dr. Blevins’ desk. From lab result targets explaining how lab tests work, to what makes aiming at and

Pituitary Foundation UK: helping people live a better life
Listen to this informative podcast with Ren Renwick, CEO of the Pituitary Foundation in the United Kindom. The foundation is a leading volunteer organization providing a variety of resources and support functions for people with pituitary disease.

Live-talk, session 25 – more on brain fog and pituitary clinical cases
Continuing our recent coverage of brain fog, Dr. Blevins and I discussed a few examples from his clinical practice and personal experiences with the condition. We also cover a fascinating case from his clinic about a patient with an empty sella incidental finding and residual disease.

Live-talk, session 24 – two Cushing cases and a forward look
With today’s podcasts from this week’s live-talk show, Dr. Blevins recaps our content dedicated to Global Cushing’s month with a talk about two fascinating recent Cushing cases from his practice. He also touches on some very interesting caveats about thyroid hormone replacement.

Adrenal Cushing’s: a conversation
Listen to this fascinating discussion of adrenal Cushing’s or hypercortisolism as Dr. Lewis Blevins walks us through the disease’s characteristics, biochemistry, and treatment options. In the talk, he focuses on different conditions, including adrenal adenomas, adrenal cancer, adrenal hyperplasia, and other related diseases like Carney Complex and McCune-Albright syndrome.

Live-talk, session 23 – insights on medicine and mental health: a perspective
Join us as we welcome marriage and family therapist Linda Rio for a fascinating discussion on how pituitary disease, or any chronic disease, manifests itself mentally and emotionally.

A story about a nurse with acromegaly
Meet Laura Cheng. Laura is a nurse. She has acromegaly. She works as a clinical nurse and is currently enrolled in the endocrine program at Duke University.

Live-talk, session 22 – Dr. Sylvia Asa discusses her groundbreaking work in endocrine pathology
This week’s Live-talk offers critical knowledge that people affected with pituitary and endocrine diseases need to know to ensure they receive proper treatment. Dr. Sylvia Asa, a pioneer in endocrine and pituitary tumor pathology, talks with Dr. Lewis Blevins about her work in the field and the reclassification of pituitary adenomas to Pituitary Neuroendocrine Tumors, or PitNets.

Live-talk, session 21 – Insurance challenges, clinical cases and much more
In our first live-talk session of 2023, we focus on critical topics, including insurance delay trends affecting pituitary medical practices, interesting clinical cases we can learn from, where telemedicine is going after the Covid era, and more commentary from the subjects we covered in our recent “briefing and insights” article.