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News From Around the World
News and best practices from members of the World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations – WAPO – and other interesting global developments.
More from Spain: Acromegalia conference packed with valuable information.
Madrid, Spain: J D Faccinetti reporting. The Spanish Association of People affected by Acromegaly has a full schedule for this week’s conference in Madrid packed with a ton of information and help for patients. “We are delighted
Ecuador: Monthly meetings enhance doctor patient communication
From our friends in Ecuador, Margarita Vasques Amoroso sends us information on their monthly meetings. Specialist and patients gather periodically to chat, exchange experiences and valuable information on pituitary disease management. The latest meetings focused
Focus South Africa
Today we take a quick look at the Pituitary Community South Africa and their efforts to inform and educate on pituitary disease. This an organization dedicated to raising awareness of pituitary tumors and related conditions. Their focus
The Spanish Association of People Affected by Acromegaly annual conference
The Spanish Association of People affected by Acromegaly is holding their annual conference September 15th in Madrid, Spain. Pituitary World News will share experiences and best practices to increase awareness of Pituitary disease worldwide. This
From Argentina: A survey to learn more about pituitary disease
Leading Argentine patient advocacy group APEHI (Ayuda a Pacientes con Enfermedades Hipofisarias) -loosely translated “Help for Patients with Pituitary Disease” – recently conducted a study to gain more knowledge about people with pituitary disease in
From France: an effort to reduce diagnosis times for acromegaly
For those of you who speak French and are interested in existing efforts to increase awareness of acromegaly around the globe, this is the work of a French patient association with volunteer members who have acromegaly, and
Acromegaly portraits: A photo essay by Spain’s acromegaly community
In a fantastic photo exposition from our friends at the Spanish Acromegaly Association, Raquel Ciriza, and her team illustrate this point with stunning, beautiful visuals of people with Acromegaly. We don’t have to portrait Bond Villains,
Substandard drugs: In what world is this remotely acceptable?
Español From the desk of Jorge D Faccinetti Cofounder and Chairman, Pituitary World News – I recently learned that substandard drugs for acromegaly and other pituitary disorders are alleged to be making their way
Medicamentos de calidad inferior. ¿En qué mundo es esto remotamente aceptable?
Desde el escritorio de J D Faccinetti Cofundador y presidente de Pituitary World News – Recientemente descubrí que, según se afirma, algunos medicamentos deficientes para la acromegalia y otros trastornos de la hipófisis se están
PWN and WAPO in push to increase awareness of pituitary disease around the world
From JD Faccinetti, Co-founder, Chairman, and CEO – This year we participated in the World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations – WAPO 2018 – conference held recently in Venice, Italy. I’m happy to report on several initiatives. Our
World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations: April 2018 Newsletter
The World Alliance of Pituitary Organizations (WAPO) recently published their first newsletter for 2018 with a bunch of interesting pituitary organization’s articles from around the world. Andrei Andrusov, WAPO Chairman of the Board reviews a process